All our Aircrew fonts and packages are 50% off at MyFonts for a limited time. Check it out with your own eyes! [19/10/2017]
All our Aircrew fonts and packages are 50% off at MyFonts for a limited time. Check it out with your own eyes! [19/10/2017]
The Aircrew typeface specimen is already available. Special thanks to Raül Vicent, Nadadora and Luis Alonso. [02/11/2016]
On November the next flight will be to the International Design Week Werkwoche which is launched by the Faculty of Design of the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany. I’ll talk and present my last typeface project (Aircrew).
Aircrew is a neutral, humanist sans-serif family optimized for signage applications in display sizes published by Tiponautas and available to buy on Myfonts.
During December (2015) I was invited by 6th Typography Meeting in Aveiro University to presented my Aircrew typeface, which was designed for signage proposes. Will be available soon. UNIVERSITY OF AVEIRO, Website Event. [22/05/2016]